Want to get the word out? Let your business be known with our bulk mailing service. Bulk mailing is a fantastic way to save money (compared to standard mailing) and it lets customers (and potentials) know about a special event, upcoming sales, or to say that you appreciate their business. Let us handle the paper work, boxing, sorting, and the driving to the post office and let us help you get your business booming.

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Free Delivery
Too swamped at the office and don’t have the time to come and pick up your order? No problem! If you’re in the local metropolitan area, you’re guaranteed free delivery. Whether it’s just a few business cards or oodles of oversized laminated posters, just ask and we’ll deliver.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Industry News
Consider putting a QR code on all of your printing, including the backs of business cards. This is an easy way to link your print identity with your mobile identity. It's a good first step to take in any digital branding strategy and one that we can do in house. A QR Code is simply a mobile barcode used from a phone camera. "QR" stands for "Quick Response." The user simply points their phone camera at the square code and it takes you directly to a company website or Facebook page. Wow! The future is now!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Less Clutter, Better
With the hustle and bustle of today’s living, people’s time and attention is limited. We typically skim many ads and articles than read them in their entirety. Because of this, when designing, one needs to be simple. Nothing disinterests a potential customer faster than an overly packed and cluttered piece. Oversized graphics, poor layout, and too much information can make your work look unprofessional and lose precious business. Good design is the correct use of white space to stop cluttering, making important points stand out with a bulleted list, including a small (but eye catching) graphic that represents what is being sold, and using call out boxes that draw the reader’s attention.